Private Events Art Party Package Deposit
So glad you have chosen Sparkkologie as your destination for your next event! To ensure a successful party please review & complete all the steps:
- Read all the details before securing your party package. Visit this page, Private Events & Party Packages.
- Next, have you filled out the form? If not please do so here.
- By putting this deposit down, means you agree to our terms & conditions.
- If you have done all these steps you are ready to secure your date!
- A non-refundable deposit is due to secure your date.
- Confirmation on party details is required atleast 3 weeks in advance. We will reach out to you. If you fail to respond, you forfeit your reserved date & time. Picassos at the right to fulfill that spot with another interested party.
- Complete party balance is due to 3 days prior to party date. Failure to do this will cancel to party.