Kid Friendly Code of Conduct
Table of Contents
A. Student Rights and Responsibilities
B. Essential Partners: Parents & Caregivers, Instructors
C. Dress Code aka Art Ready
D. Behavior
E. Definitions
A. Student Rights & Responsiliblities
Student Rights. All students have the right to:
1. Be a part of anything going on in class.
2. Tell their side of the story.
3. Know what the rules are what the rules mean.
Student Responsibilities. All students have the right to:
1. Respect other students, their belongings and their feelings.
2. Know the rules and this code of conduct.
3. Try and make effort. Grow and learn.
4. Respect the space and instructors.
5. Utilize their emotional management skills.
6. Have the freedom to be her/himself and not be judged.
7. Talk to the instructor when she/him senses something is wrong.
8. Wear appropriate clothes to class.
9.Be responsible for their actions.
10. Know their body and when it tells her/him to use the restroom.
11.Tell others if they are getting hurt or others are being hurt.
B. Student Rights & Responsiliblities
Student Rights. All students have the right to:
1. Be a part of anything going on in class.
2. Tell their side of the story.
3. Know what the rules are what the rules mean.